Monday, September 24, 2012

November 2012 Horoscope

November 2012 Horoscope

Monthly Horoscope November:


January: Aquarius January 20 - February 18

You'll be in a great mood and feeling positive when it comes to love this month. Jupiter is in Gemini and your romance and creativity sector. There will be many opportunities to meet a new love interest or spend quality time with your partner. You may experience some tension with a loved one after Venus moves to Leo on September 6. However, much of the stress can be alleviated if you're tactful and kind. Make some compromises in order to keep the peace. A Full Moon in Aries on September 29 will bring stress with neighbors and relatives.

February: Pisces February 19 - March 19

Venus in Cancer during the first week will help you feel attractive and loving. There might be a chance for a new connection with someone nice. Jupiter in Gemini and your sector of home and family all month could bring power struggles. Personal growth will be possible while you're learning how to stand firm in your beliefs. Neptune is hovering around the cusp of your sign. This planet will bring out your sensitive, artistic, and intuitive nature. It might be difficult to cope with everyday events and responsibilities, but you'll have a rich inner life and strong creativity.



March: Aries March 20 - April 20

This could be a stressful month with Uranus and Pluto in square and Saturn opposite your sign in Libra. There will be tension when dealing with others, and perhaps upsets regarding your career. A Full Moon in Aries on September 29 will further stir things up. You could feel like your world is in turmoil and go through a personal crisis. A New Moon in Virgo on September 15 will help you pay closer attention to managing your stress and taking care of your body. You won't get ill if you can eat healthfully, get plenty of rest, and pace yourself.

April: Taurus April 21 - May 21

Mars will be in Scorpio and opposite your sign all month. Expect to feel defensive and argumentative when dealing with the public or someone close. You'll be irritable and find it hard to be patient. The Sun and Mercury will be in Virgo and your house of romance and creativity for most of the month. Your social life will be busy and you'll have to juggle many commitments and responsibilities. You'll be a good listener and remember many details when you meet new people. A new love connection will be possible if you aren't too judgmental.

May: Gemini May 22 - June 21

A positive attitude and faith in the future will help you feel good about your life this month. A strong desire to help others and live ethically will inspire trust when dealing with others. You'll have strong opinions but willingly listen to other points of view. Mercury and the Sun will be in Virgo for most of the month, bringing bickering and a critical attitude toward family members. You might waste a lot of time and energy focusing on small issues from the past. A New Moon in Virgo on September 15 will help you find constructive solutions to your concerns.


June: Cancer June 22 - July 22

You'll be empathetic, supportive toward others, and willing to do anything to help if needed this month. At the same time, you'll find that others will do the same for you when asked. However, there may be someone in your life who's critical and demanding, perhaps a spouse. He or she tries to be honest and give constructive feedback, but you may find this person overbearing at times. Your feelings could get hurt. Take the comments in stride. Mars in your sector of romance will bring intense feelings of love and passion this month. Someone new will be compelling.


July: Leo: July 23 - August 23

Venus moves to your sign on September 6. This planet will bring opportunities for romance and you'll be popular and charming. Mars is in Scorpio and your sector of home and family for most of the month. There could be arguments at home or with your parents during this time. You'll be irritable and restless, but you'll get a lot done around your living space. Jupiter in your sector of friends and associates will bring a sense of being inspired and supported by the people in your circle. You might get involved in a religious or charitable group.


August: Virgo August 24 - September 23

The Sun and Mercury will be in your sign over the next few weeks to make this a time of personal power and influence. You'll be articulate and organized and pay attention to detail. Mars is in your sector related to relatives, neighbors, and community, so you'll be busy attending events and getting involved in initiatives. Jupiter in Gemini and your career sector will bring a chance to network. You'll have to make time for this, which means you may have to sacrifice other activities. Venus in Cancer until September 6 will bring close ties and warm encounters with friends and associates.

September: Libra September 24 - October 23

Aside from the fact that Saturn is still in your sign, other planets will contribute to tension and stress this month. Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn will make life difficult at home and with your family and partner. You'll need a great deal of patience and diplomacy in order to keep things in balance. A Full Moon in Aries on September 29 will stir up further problems when dealing with others, and you might struggle with self-esteem issues temporarily. Jupiter in your house of travel and education will bring new opportunities to grow and help you expand your world.


October: Scorpio October 24 - November 22

Mars will be moving through your sign all month to bring energy and focus. You'll be active and busy as well as eager to get going on new projects. Venus is in Cancer until September 6. Before Venus moves to Leo, plan a trip with someone close to visit friends or family. After September 6, you'll concentrate more on making business connections with people who can help you. Don't hesitate to sell yourself and be proactive. Mercury and the Sun will bring productive meetings and engaging conversations with friends and associates for most of the month.

November: Sagittarius November 23 - December 21

Jupiter will be in Gemini and opposite your sign this month. This placement will help you have a positive attitude toward relationships and faith in other people. However, there could be power struggles, especially with your partner. Uranus in Aries and your sector of romance and creativity will make life unpredictable. You could develop an unexpected crush on someone or come up with sudden insights out of the blue. The Sun and Mercury in Virgo for most of the month will help you network confidently and build your career, but it will be hard work and require commitment.

December: Capricorn December 22 - January 19

Life at home will be unstable and tense this month with Uranus and a Full Moon falling in your sector of home and family. You could feel uneasy for weeks, culminating in an argument or crisis during the Full Moon. Be empathetic if someone is having difficulties. Try not to be too judgmental. Venus in Cancer until September 6 will aid in smoothing over interpersonal relations. However, after Venus moves to Leo, you'll have to make more of an effort to cooperate. Mars in Scorpio this month will bring close, intense relations with friends and associates.

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