Monday, September 24, 2012

December 2012 Horoscope

December 2012 Horoscope

Monthly Horoscope December:

January: Aquarius January 20 - February 18

If you're attached, the arrival of The World will let you know that you're definitely with the right person. If you're single, you're soon to meet the person who'll be with you forever - someone who'll literally mean the world to you. Yes, this card could bring you the chance to spy the love of your life at first sight. Keep your eyes open to that possibility, even if they don't seem to be just right at first.

The card of Strength in this position absolutely demands that you dedicate yourself completely to the task at hand. Now, that may mean that you need to cancel all your social plans and get down to business, or it may mean that you need to delegate with an eye toward the success of the entire project, so that all parties concerned emerge with a "piece of the pie." Regardless, keep your eye on the prize!

Over the next month, you'll be called upon (again) to do the right thing - for yourself and for others, too. You'll righteously stand up for anyone who needs you, keep your promises, and look for the deeper meaning in all situations. All these quests will be brought to you courtesy of The Pope, who insists on nothing less than that you follow your conscience and always do what you know is fair and honorable.

February: Pisces February 19 - March 19

The card of Judgement indicates the ending of several matters - the happy ending, that is. First of all, and most important to you, will be the fact that you'll actually be ready to come together with "an other" to find your perfect match - the kind of person that you deserve. Don't be doubtful, or worry that they're not quite right. Trust your instincts and know that your long trek is over.

The card of Strength in this position absolutely demands that you dedicate yourself completely to the task at hand. Now, that may mean that you need to cancel all your social plans and get down to business, or it may mean that you need to delegate with an eye toward the success of the entire project, so that all parties concerned emerge with a "piece of the pie." Regardless, keep your eye on the prize!

Lately, you've had the urge to get to know the person on the inside. With The Empress currently influencing your month, everything you've been craving can absolutely come to fruition. That's if you can keep up your energy level by taking care of yourself as you care for others. Simply put, eat well, tone down on excess, and rest whenever you can. Listen to your body and your spirit will grow stronger.

March: Aries March 20 - April 20

When The Emperor appears, seated on his throne, staring out at you, there's really only one thing to do: start thinking about the structure of your relationship. If you two have built your partnership on solid ground, he'll be no threat to you. In fact, he'll make those bonds even stronger. If there's a chink in the relationship's armor, however, it's definitely time to talk it over and fix it.

When The World appears, you've received a very important indication that you've done the right thing, been in the right place at the right time, and chosen the right occupation. Of course, you'll already know all that, by the feelings you have, but also by the happiness and contentment you're already experiencing within your current occupation. If you're not satisfied, don't despair. Something you never expected will come along, when you least expect it.

The High Priestess bodes a time of inner consciousness, of looking inside ourselves to find the answers we seek, possibly by asking questions of others - and there's no reason to be ashamed of that. Listen to the advice that dear ones offer, but also pay attention to yourself - to your dreams, your feelings of déjà vu, and to the voice of your intuition. You have spirit guides and angels guiding you. Pay heed.

April: Taurus April 21 - May 21

A great love is about to come your way, whether you're already attached and quite happy, or single and looking for a whole new relationship. Either way, someone will inspire you to open up your whole heart to them, and once you've done that, you'll find a new side of yourself - the side of you that's willing to say "I do." That may mean cohabitation, marriage, or simply a totally unconditional profession of love.

It's time to separate the person you are now from the person you once were. Over the next month, try to spend some time on your own, deciding exactly who and what you want to be when it's done. And don't hang on desperately to what's in your life now. The more fervently you hold on, the more determined the card of Death will be to take it away from it. Embrace this change, and don't be afraid.

Over the next month, you'll be called upon (again) to do the right thing - for yourself and for others, too. You'll righteously stand up for anyone who needs you, keep your promises, and look for the deeper meaning in all situations. All these quests will be brought to you courtesy of The Pope, who insists on nothing less than that you follow your conscience and always do what you know is fair and honorable.

May: Gemini May 22 - June 21

When the card of Death arrives, something is definitely coming to an end. The good news is that while most folks see this and fear that their life, or someone else's, is what's coming to an end, that's not at all what this card signifies. Contrary to popular opinion, what Death truly indicates is simply change. Granted, it will be a tremendous change - but change, after all, is what life is all about. Don't be scared. Be invigorated.

Although at times you may feel as if you're a pawn of the fates, there's really nothing for you to worry about. The only outcome you need fear is if you ignore your own instincts, which have always been your best and most trusted ally. Listen to the voice of your "antennae" and you'll be fine, especially when it comes to dealing with those who are above you - temporarily, at least.

You feel stuck now - perhaps, as they say, between a rock and a hard place. In short, there's really nowhere you feel you can turn without reaching a difficult end - and you may be right. When The Hanged Man appears, however, the point is not so much that you need to make a choice between the lesser of two evils, but that you must abandon all previous options and come up with something new. Be imaginative!

June: Cancer June 22 - July 22

It's time for you to take on the qualities of introversion, seclusion, and thinking seriously about the reality of a romantic situation. If you're not happy or satisfied, The Hermit can mean a relationship is about to end, or has really already ended. More so, however, it can indicate a time of increased trust, when two people actually need to allow each other time to be alone, without any unfounded suspicions.

This month will be a busy one, with several projects to juggle and eventually complete. Your superiors will be watching you to be sure you finish them up right, too. If you work hard - which may mean doing not just your own job, but someone else's, too - you'll have terrific rewards waiting for you. Drop the ball, however, and you may be called to the boss's office for a serious talking-to.

The Chariot's message is simple, but not easy. This card asks you to leave behind anything that will keep you from realizing your true happiness - and to leave it in the past quickly. You know exactly what needs to be banished from your life. It - or they - has become useless to you, a burden that's now holding you back from happiness. Think of it as spring cleaning for your spirit.

July: Leo: July 23 - August 23
The words "If you loved me, you would," are quite powerful - even if you know they're being recited by someone who only wants you to buckle to their will. It's not just you, though. When any of us cares for someone, we want to make them happy. If we're involved with someone who's willing to play on our generosity and kindness, they'll see those traits as weaknesses, not strengths. Resist being exploited.

You'll want to rush now in all matters, and that may be the best course of action. That's only going to work if you have everything in place. If everything you want to do has already been set into motion, then by all means, go for it! Act with confidence and let everyone around you know that you have no fear of moving forward at your own speed.

The good news - no, the absolute best news you could possibly hear now - is that after all this time of searching for who you really are, you're about to "find yourself." Now, that may sound silly to others, but you know what it means. You've been trying over several months, if not longer, to find out who you really are, but recent events have proven to you that you already know!

August: Virgo August 24 - September 23

When Justice arrives in this life department, your first impulse is to believe that everything will automatically work out well - that balance and fairness will be the order of the day. The card, however, doesn't automatically deliver those qualities. It sets the tone for the month, asking us to create balance in relationships. That doesn't mean it will be easy, but shows that it will be well worth the struggle.

No matter what you're assigned to do at work this month, when The Sun shows up in this position, there's no doubt that you'll enjoy it. You may enjoy it so much, in fact, that your self-confidence grows as much as your reputation for being able to do not just your own job, but that of at least two others. Your one warning: don't spoil your superiors, who'll come to expect nothing less than what you've been providing.

Every time the card of Temperance is mentioned, the word "moderation" is also referred to. They represent the same thing: a state of equilibrium and balance, a condition of harmony with all the people and events in your life. You have no wish to go overboard in any department, anyway. In fact, you're perfectly happy to cut back on anything at all that's not making you feel peaceful and calm.

September: Libra September 24 - October 23

In many ways, the card of The Tower points to changes of the most unexpected, volatile kind - not always, mind you, but often. Your quest now, though, may sound tough, but it's really not all that bad, especially since now you know you'll have a month to work it out. You need to be sure that no matter what changes the Universe tosses your way, the two of you will be fine. That's provided, of course, that you stick by each other's side.

Congratulations! The Fool will present a terrific new work opportunity to you this month, which will most likely be in a field you'd never pictured yourself working in. Your mission is to keep your eyes open and be sure not to miss it. Oh, and don't be put off if this offer comes along under odd or unusual circumstances. Remember, everything happens for a reason. Enjoy this inspirational new experience.

When The Pope appears, you'll notice an inner change occurring. You'll suddenly be far more concerned with the future and with the "real meaning" of things than with anything petty, shallow or having to do with surface matters. In the meantime, do your best to surround yourself with people who are kindred spirits, who share your feelings. If you need to find new peers, search them out where you know they'll gather.

October: Scorpio October 24 - November 22
For the longest time, you seem to have been learning a lesson that's been not at all pleasant: you've been learning not to trust. Now, however, someone is due to enter your life who'll teach you not just to trust, but also to trust yourself again - to trust your intuition, even though you've tried, recently, to do just that, and it hasn't worked out too well. Give it another shot.

The Emperor has a single-minded approach to all responsibilities: work hard and be rewarded. If that's what you've done, you're most likely at the end of a long, hard struggle to succeed in your particular field. If you've been working too hard, take some time off when that pat on the back arrives. Everyone in a position of authority will see what you've done, be proud, and just about insist that you relax, anyway.

This card asks that you spend the next month working on one particular inner task: you must cut away anything in your life that makes you feel unsure about yourself, whether it's a personal relationship, a job that makes you unhappy, or a lifestyle that no longer suits you. If a health issue has been nagging at you, seek out medical advice and solve this problem.


November: Sagittarius November 23 - December 21

A great love is about to come your way, whether you're already attached and quite happy, or single and looking for a whole new relationship. Either way, someone will inspire you to open up your whole heart to them, and once you've done that, you'll find a new side of yourself - the side of you that's willing to say "I do." That may mean cohabitation, marriage, or simply a totally unconditional profession of love.

It's time to take the initiative, so put together a resume that truly represents you and get it out there. The Magician will be more than happy to help. In fact, the presence of this card means that you can be your own Magician, especially in the department of communications. Don't hesitate to toot your own horn. You know you're good at what you do, so why not brag about it?

There's no doubt that your physical health will either improve or stay as robust as ever now. When The Sun appears, it's hard to avoid either happy condition - and why would you want to? Of course, the one thing you will need to avoid is the tendency to overdo, in all departments, from food and drink to staying up late, chatting with a lover - or soon-to-be lover. Try your best to moderate.


December: Capricorn December 22 - January 19

It's time for you to take on the qualities of introversion, seclusion, and thinking seriously about the reality of a romantic situation. If you're not happy or satisfied, The Hermit can mean a relationship is about to end, or has really already ended. More so, however, it can indicate a time of increased trust, when two people actually need to allow each other time to be alone, without any unfounded suspicions.

When The World appears, you've received a very important indication that you've done the right thing, been in the right place at the right time, and chosen the right occupation. Of course, you'll already know all that, by the feelings you have, but also by the happiness and contentment you're already experiencing within your current occupation. If you're not satisfied, don't despair. Something you never expected will come along, when you least expect it.

Inside each and every one of us, there's a "dark passenger" who's willing to do absolutely anything to get what they want. It's not an attractive trait, but it's there. When The Devil appears, our job is to resist the worst in us, and to resist the worst in others as well. Otherwise, we'll wake up ashamed one day - the worst feeling in the world. Call a friend if you need to talk.

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