Monday, August 26, 2013

September 2013 Horoscope

September 2013 Horoscope
Monthly Horoscope September:

January: Aquarius January 20 - February 18

The World brings unity and strength. When this card appears, it's to let you know that you're at the very end of long journey. When it pertains to love, it likely means that you're about to make a major move - to cohabitate, marry, or have a child with someone you adore. If you're not yet romantically entangled, it may also mean that you're about to either ask or answer such a question. Prepare yourself - happily!

It's time for you to receive an offer than can bode nothing for you but the best - so why hesitate? Well, if you have a trusted friend who can look over the "fine print" for you, so much the better. If you're not quite sure, make sure - then enter into the enterprise with all good faith, positive that the end result will make you into a "star" yourself!

We've all seen people we love pull back from us to spend time alone - to think things through and rely on their own counsel and instincts, rather than on that of anyone else's. It's time for you to do just that. Don't worry about losing your friends or those closest to you. After you've come up with your own answers to pressing questions, you'll be back, renewed and revitalized.

February: Pisces February 19 - March 19

The presence of The Magician this month indicates that it's time for you to think hard about what you really want from a partner - and then to go out and find it. If you already have someone special, you two will begin a new phase in your relationship - a far deeper one. If you're single, think about where kindred spirits gather and go there! They're looking for you, too.

The appearance of The Empress is an indication of abundance - of all good things about to come your way. The only part you really must play in this is to take advantage of the generous gifts this great mother will send without becoming greedy or selfish. In the department of career, then, your best bet this month is to share the wealth, literally. Let others know how much you appreciate their efforts on your behalf.

Over the coming month, you'll come to realize that there are certain requirements in life that you can't do without - hence, the reason they've been named "necessities." You'll also see that despite what you do and as hard as you try, you aren't on this planet alone, so cooperation and mediation with others are necessary. That's a powerful awareness, which means that patience is necessary to get along. Talk about personal growth!

March: Aries March 20 - April 20

The card of Judgement indicates the ending of several matters - the happy ending, that is. First of all, and most important to you, will be the fact that you'll actually be ready to come together with "another" to find your perfect match - the kind of person that you deserve. Don't be doubtful, or worry that they're not quite right. Trust your instincts and know that your long trek is over.

At one time, the card of The Lovers was named "The Decision" - which is exactly what you'll be facing over the coming month. You may suddenly decide to change your area of specialization, or to take on a new position. Regardless, the only way to succeed is to enter into this new range of professional obligations with all your heart, with no doubts and no qualms about the past.

The Magician is a very intellectual card. It represents the ability to use our own personal brand of wisdom to keep ourselves healthy and happy - on all levels, from the physical to the mental to the spiritual. Your mission this month is to keep yourself strong in all those categories. Take care of your body, your mind, and your spirit in the best ways that you possibly can.

April: Taurus April 21 - May 21

If you've been trying to hang on to a relationship that's ceased to be useful to you, it may be time to dismiss it entirely, and try your best to stop holding onto what's no longer positive to you in any way. Your first "clue" will be the fact that they haven't been treating you well - not at all in the fashion that you deserve. Let them go, and find someone new if that's the case and they can't change.

The hardest thing to do when The Devil appears is to keep your self-respect intact. This card indicates that all manner of forces are swelling up around us to tempt us, to convince us that the ends justify the means, even if that means losing a piece of ourselves in the process. The worst of it can mean that we give in to blackmail to get what we want. No matter how tough it is, keep your principles.

Lately, you've had the urge to get to know the person on the inside. With The Empress currently influencing your month, everything you've been craving can absolutely come to fruition. That's if you can keep up your energy level by taking care of yourself as you care for others. Simply put, eat well, tone down on excess, and rest whenever you can. Listen to your body and your spirit will grow stronger.

May: Gemini May 22 - June 21

You're going to be quite popular this month. The card of Temperance indicates an easy-going, social, and friendly time full of hugs, understanding, and harmony with others. Obviously, if you're attached, you two will become much closer. If you're single, you may be about to meet someone new - not someone who'll storm into your life, but a person who'll make their way into your inner circle gently and stay there.

The appearance of The Devil indicates that in all professional matters, you can have exactly what you want - it all depends on how far you're willing to go to get it. If you need to keep your morals about you, you'll resist any offer that sounds too good to be true, and that's the very best way to handle it. You'll definitely encounter your dark side now. It's up to you to keep it reined in.

You've heard the expression, "It's All Good." Well, that's exactly what's on the agenda for you now, regardless of who you contact, what you ask for, or however you act. It just can't get any better, as long as you take the time to actually ask the Universe for what you want, and be specific. Then there's absolutely no way for you to fail. Put your aims forward with nothing but success in mind!

June: Cancer June 22 - July 22

When Justice arrives in this life department, your first impulse is to believe that everything will automatically work out well - that balance and fairness will be the order of the day. The card, however, doesn't automatically deliver those qualities. It sets the tone for the month, asking us to create balance in relationships. That doesn't mean it will be easy, but shows that it will be well worth the struggle.

When Temperance appears, you can take a deep breath and relax. All your work and career matters will go well, at least partly due to the help of friendly co-workers and superiors who'll do everything they can to help you, whether or not you ask them for their support. What's really happening is that all your good deeds from the past are being rewarded. Enjoy the fruits of your previous kindnesses.

The High Priestess bodes a time of inner consciousness, of looking inside ourselves to find the answers we seek, possibly by asking questions of others - and there's no reason to be ashamed of that. Listen to the advice that dear ones offer, but also pay attention to yourself - to your dreams, your feelings of déjà vu, and to the voice of your intuition. You have spirit guides and angels guiding you. Pay heed.

July: Leo: July 23 - August 23

Emotions are a funny thing. They can aid us, acting like "antennae" when we're uncertain about the outcome of a situation (in the intellectual sense), and end up guiding us toward the most positive outcome. On the other hand, they can sway us, that is, if we let our hearts rule our minds when we really know they shouldn't. The appearance of The Moon, however, means that it's your heart you should heed. Trust it above all else.

You may not be aware of it, but you're about to make a change this month - a big one - in the department of work and career. When The Fool appears, you may already be bored and restless - unhappy with the type of work you're doing, and positively craving something new. The good news is that it's about to happen, most likely through the last person you'd ever expect to make you an offer.

The card of The Devil indicates a time when we're struggling hard with the good and evil sides of ourselves - when we've trying our best to stay constant, but not sure that we can resist all the many temptations that life has suddenly put in our path. Your job over the coming month is to resist allowing yourself to be seduced by others who'll see you as weak and able to be manipulated. Surprise them. Just say no!

August: Virgo August 24 - September 23

When it comes to relationships, The Magician indicates the arrival of a person who will absolutely fascinate you in every possible way. They may seem to be everything you've ever wanted in a partner, and that could actually be true. But you really need to take your time getting to know them before you make any serious decisions. Be led by your mind, as well as your heart.

There's something going on at work that isn't quite right, and you haven't been sure about what to do. Now that The High Priestess has appeared, however, the month's path has become very clear. You know exactly what's required of you, both by your conscience and by the trust that co-workers and superiors have placed in you. Don't destroy that trust, no matter how tough it is to do the right thing.

If you've been feeling unsatisfied with the circumstances in your life, it's time to change that. The good news is that it can most certainly be done over the coming month - that's as long as you're willing to work at it. You may need to work harder than you thought to get along with everyone around you and to make peace with situations you'd previously have found intolerable.

September: Libra September 24 - October 23

Do you feel "stuck" or "imprisoned" in your current situation? If you're attached but unhappy and wishing to leave the relationship, stop stalling. If you're single, figure out how to find someone new who suits you. Even if you don't have many opportunities to get out and meet them, don't accept any excuses from yourself. If you really want to find love, you'll find a way.

When The Tower appears in our lives in the department of career, it often means that despite how hard we've been working, we have little or nothing to say about our future. This may mean that the company we work for has been sold, or will be sold, or that we have no choice but to work for a new employer. The process may not be enjoyable, but you could end up with a far better position.

We've all seen people we love pull back from us to spend time alone - to think things through and rely on their own counsel and instincts, rather than on that of anyone else's. It's time for you to do just that. Don't worry about losing your friends or those closest to you. After you've come up with your own answers to pressing questions, you'll be back, renewed and revitalized.

October: Scorpio October 24 - November 22

In many ways, the card of The Tower points to changes of the most unexpected, volatile kind - not always, mind you, but often. Your quest now, though, may sound tough, but it's really not all that bad, especially since now you know you'll have a month to work it out. You need to be sure that no matter what changes the Universe tosses your way, the two of you will be fine. That's provided, of course, that you stick by each other's side.

The appearance of The Empress is an indication of abundance - of all good things about to come your way. The only part you really must play in this is to take advantage of the generous gifts this great mother will send without becoming greedy or selfish. In the department of career, then, your best bet this month is to share the wealth, literally. Let others know how much you appreciate their efforts on your behalf.

The Sun is the core of the Universe and the core of ourselves, so this card represents exactly that: the condition of the innermost region of ourselves. At this time, you'll be extremely confident and happy with yourself, and everyone around you will be just as happy to be in your company. You'll be able to complete tasks that will amaze you - not to mention those above you! Congratulations!

November: Sagittarius November 23 - December 21

The fertility that The Empress brings to us is unmatched. She is the Queen of Mother Earth - Nature herself, able to create life and nurture it. She'll hold court over your love affairs for the month, so it's easy to see that you'll be very, very happy. All your current relationships will grow and prosper, and even the tiniest spark of attraction could turn into something lovely and long-lasting. Smile, and enjoy every moment together.

When The Chariot arrives, it's time to take matters into your own hands when it comes to your choice of career. Should that mean cutting loose from "the corporate world" and suddenly striking out on your own - to become your own boss, that is - well, if it feels right, then by all means, do it. Just be sure you have sufficient backing, and don't burn any bridges you may need to cross back over.

The card of The Devil indicates a time when we're struggling hard with the good and evil sides of ourselves - when we've trying our best to stay constant, but not sure that we can resist all the many temptations that life has suddenly put in our path. Your job over the coming month is to resist allowing yourself to be seduced by others who'll see you as weak and able to be manipulated. Surprise them. Just say no!

December: Capricorn December 22 - January 19

For the longest time, you seem to have been learning a lesson that's been not at all pleasant: you've been learning not to trust. Now, however, someone is due to enter your life who'll teach you not just to trust, but also to trust yourself again - to trust your intuition, even though you've tried, recently, to do just that, and it hasn't worked out too well. Give it another shot.

The hardest thing to do when The Devil appears is to keep your self-respect intact. This card indicates that all manner of forces are swelling up around us to tempt us, to convince us that the ends justify the means, even if that means losing a piece of ourselves in the process. The worst of it can mean that we give in to blackmail to get what we want. No matter how tough it is, keep your principles.

The appearance of The Lovers indicates that the time is ripe for you to make a serious commitment. And while it may certainly include a new relationship, the commitment you really should be focused on is to yourself - to bring equilibrium to your body, mind, and spirit. If that includes the inspiration of another, so much the better. Whether you do it alone or with your partner, find your inner balance.

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