Monday, March 11, 2013

July 2013 Horoscope

July 2013 Horoscope
Monthly Horoscope July:

January: Aquarius January 20 - February 18

The Sun will turn you into a veritable romantic magnet now, so if you're attached, be very careful about who you flirt with, even playfully, because your partner won't take kindly to how receptive just about everyone will be to you. If you're single, however, have a ball! Think of this as a romantic buffet, with the final course being the love of your life - and don't stop mingling until they appear.

When the card of Judgement appears in the arena of career, it's time for you to either start or end a new way of earning your daily bread. Either way, you won't mind - at least, not once it's begun. The only thing is, you'll need to be sure you're ready to start this entirely new beginning without any regrets. If you go into it without any reservations, you'll do fine.

This card asks that you spend the next month working on one particular inner task: you must cut away anything in your life that makes you feel unsure about yourself, whether it's a personal relationship, a job that makes you unhappy, or a lifestyle that no longer suits you. If a health issue has been nagging at you, seek out medical advice and solve this problem.

February: Pisces February 19 - March 19

In many ways, the card of The Tower points to changes of the most unexpected, volatile kind - not always, mind you, but often. Your quest now, though, may sound tough, but it's really not all that bad, especially since now you know you'll have a month to work it out. You need to be sure that no matter what changes the Universe tosses your way, the two of you will be fine. That's provided, of course, that you stick by each other's side.

The Empress often turns up when we're about to start a whole new career or take a step up the ladder of success. If you've been thinking of taking a leap, this is definitely the month to do it. Be imaginative, and unafraid to try something new, especially if it will catch the attention of your higher-ups. Your rewards may arrive quite quickly, but a major change in your routine could accompany them. Don't worry.

A project that's been nothing more than a dream lately could well be about to come to fruition, thanks to the presence of The Emperor, who rewards diligence and competence. Just try not to go overboard and become rigid or nit-picky, especially on yourself. It can only lead to depression - and what good will you be to anyone if you let that happen? Do what you can and let the Universe work out the details.

March: Aries March 20 - April 20

You're going to be quite popular this month. The card of Temperance indicates an easy-going, social, and friendly time full of hugs, understanding, and harmony with others. Obviously, if you're attached, you two will become much closer. If you're single, you may be about to meet someone new - not someone who'll storm into your life, but a person who'll make their way into your inner circle gently and stay there.

When the card of Judgement appears in the arena of career, it's time for you to either start or end a new way of earning your daily bread. Either way, you won't mind - at least, not once it's begun. The only thing is, you'll need to be sure you're ready to start this entirely new beginning without any regrets. If you go into it without any reservations, you'll do fine.

Everyone has a romantic, dreamy side to their personality. The best part of The Moon is that it arrives to give us a chance to escape "real life" and be who we are, rather than what life and other people expect us to be. Lucky you. It's time for you to escape - with a lover! Remember, though, that this won't be a "Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz" journey - this will be a passionate distraction!

April: Taurus April 21 - May 21

Do you feel "stuck" or "imprisoned" in your current situation? If you're attached but unhappy and wishing to leave the relationship, stop stalling. If you're single, figure out how to find someone new who suits you. Even if you don't have many opportunities to get out and meet them, don't accept any excuses from yourself. If you really want to find love, you'll find a way.

It's time to take the initiative, so put together a resume that truly represents you and get it out there. The Magician will be more than happy to help. In fact, the presence of this card means that you can be your own Magician, especially in the department of communications. Don't hesitate to toot your own horn. You know you're good at what you do, so why not brag about it?

It's time to take a good, hard look at your life, especially with respect to how it will affect you in the long-term. This may mean that you'll need to let go of cherished beliefs or people that you've thought of as friends for some time. Just don't look back. Let them go without another thought, and bolster your heart by realizing that it's time to think about yourself, not others.

May: Gemini May 22 - June 21

Emotions are a funny thing. They can aid us, acting like "antennae" when we're uncertain about the outcome of a situation (in the intellectual sense), and end up guiding us toward the most positive outcome. On the other hand, they can sway us, that is, if we let our hearts rule our minds when we really know they shouldn't. The appearance of The Moon, however, means that it's your heart you should heed. Trust it above all else.

It's time for you to receive an offer than can bode nothing for you but the best - so why hesitate? Well, if you have a trusted friend who can look over the "fine print" for you, so much the better. If you're not quite sure, make sure - then enter into the enterprise with all good faith, positive that the end result will make you into a "star" yourself!

When the card of Justice arrives, it's time to reach a clear and objective understanding with the world around us - a "deal" of sorts. Justice demands that we do what we can so that we get exactly what we deserve, and in the process, we learn to understand that everything we do is affected by what everyone else does. That doesn't mean we should sit still and wait. It's all about negotiation, fairness, and treaties.

June: Cancer June 22 - July 22

Ever notice that the quality we most admire in movies - especially in the leading man or leading lady - is always perseverance? Well, that's another word for Strength, so when this card arrives in the department of love, you're being asked - no, actually, told - to hang in there, to never give up, and to let the person you care for know that you'll always be there for them.

This month will be a busy one, with several projects to juggle and eventually complete. Your superiors will be watching you to be sure you finish them up right, too. If you work hard - which may mean doing not just your own job, but someone else's, too - you'll have terrific rewards waiting for you. Drop the ball, however, and you may be called to the boss's office for a serious talking-to.

We all know someone who we think of or refer to as a Hermit - someone who, more often than not, seems to prefer their own company to that of others. No matter how sociable you are, then, don't be surprised if you choose to spend time alone now - much to the disappointment of your friends! Be kind. Explain to them that you need some time alone to think a certain matter through.

July: Leo: July 23 - August 23

If you're happily attached, the Fool will bring you two into a wonderful period of "togetherness" that will be brought on by one simple event - an event that will prove that you're truly meant to be together. If you're single, you're probably in the mood to stay that way, especially if you've just regained your freedom. Don't let anyone make you feel as if you owe them anything. You don't!

You're at the beginning of a month that's chock full of good news when it comes to career, especially when it comes to the amount of self-confidence and warmth you'll be able to dole out to co-workers and higher-ups alike. Oh, and with The Sun on duty in this area of your life, if you're not already in charge of at least one department at work, you certainly will be soon.

It's time to take a good, hard look at your life, especially with respect to how it will affect you in the long-term. This may mean that you'll need to let go of cherished beliefs or people that you've thought of as friends for some time. Just don't look back. Let them go without another thought, and bolster your heart by realizing that it's time to think about yourself, not others.

August: Virgo August 24 - September 23

The World brings unity and strength. When this card appears, it's to let you know that you're at the very end of long journey. When it pertains to love, it likely means that you're about to make a major move - to cohabitate, marry, or have a child with someone you adore. If you're not yet romantically entangled, it may also mean that you're about to either ask or answer such a question. Prepare yourself - happily!

Over the next month, The Lovers will inspire you to think about the future, and to make a choice about how to pursue it. You may opt to take on a business partner, but be sure it's someone you know well, who can be trusted to do the right thing. If you're not sure, ask an elder or someone who's already in that line of work for advice. You're playing for keeps now. Remember that.

When The High Priestess appears, she offers you several options, but only one choice: to follow the right path and do the right thing by everyone - most especially yourself. At this time, the only "right thing" to do is quite clear to you, but it's probably not going to be easy. If you want to sleep easy, though, with a clear mind that produces easy dreams, follow your own personal code.

September: Libra September 24 - October 23

It's time for you to take on the qualities of introversion, seclusion, and thinking seriously about the reality of a romantic situation. If you're not happy or satisfied, The Hermit can mean a relationship is about to end, or has really already ended. More so, however, it can indicate a time of increased trust, when two people actually need to allow each other time to be alone, without any unfounded suspicions.

Stop worrying about the past. The future looks not just bright, but happy in a calm and peaceful way. Whatever the "higher-ups" toss your way, you'll be able to handle it with grace, poise, and calm dignity. This attitude may well mean that you're about to finally receive the raise, promotion, or bonus you've been waiting for - especially if you don't rush it. And why would you want to, with things going so well?

Don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it, or to speak with someone you trust about a personal problem. Everyone gets a bit befuddled now and then, especially when life tosses brand new experiences our way - and new experiences are The Fool's specialty. It's your turn to feel like a stranger in a strange land, but that doesn't mean it won't turn out to be a great experience in the end!

October: Scorpio October 24 - November 22

The World brings unity and strength. When this card appears, it's to let you know that you're at the very end of long journey. When it pertains to love, it likely means that you're about to make a major move - to cohabitate, marry, or have a child with someone you adore. If you're not yet romantically entangled, it may also mean that you're about to either ask or answer such a question. Prepare yourself - happily!

No matter what you're assigned to do at work this month, when The Sun shows up in this position, there's no doubt that you'll enjoy it. You may enjoy it so much, in fact, that your self-confidence grows as much as your reputation for being able to do not just your own job, but that of at least two others. Your one warning: don't spoil your superiors, who'll come to expect nothing less than what you've been providing.

This card asks that you spend the next month working on one particular inner task: you must cut away anything in your life that makes you feel unsure about yourself, whether it's a personal relationship, a job that makes you unhappy, or a lifestyle that no longer suits you. If a health issue has been nagging at you, seek out medical advice and solve this problem.

November: Sagittarius November 23 - December 21

Whether you're single or attached, The Star's mission is to help you find someone with whom you'll be deliciously happy. More importantly, you'll also be able to trust this person or persons, which will make your life richer and happier. No matter what you've gone through in the past, or how many times you've been betrayed, look to the future. The Star is with you, so it's going to be a wonderful month.

The appearance of The Devil indicates that in all professional matters, you can have exactly what you want - it all depends on how far you're willing to go to get it. If you need to keep your morals about you, you'll resist any offer that sounds too good to be true, and that's the very best way to handle it. You'll definitely encounter your dark side now. It's up to you to keep it reined in.

The Chariot's message is simple, but not easy. This card asks you to leave behind anything that will keep you from realizing your true happiness - and to leave it in the past quickly. You know exactly what needs to be banished from your life. It - or they - has become useless to you, a burden that's now holding you back from happiness. Think of it as spring cleaning for your spirit.

December: Capricorn December 22 - January 19

The High Priestess is a gentle card, representing the softer, more subtle side of life. You'll be asked to give and ask for understanding, so if you need to talk with someone, don't hesitate. Just be sure it's someone you really trust. If someone asks for advice, dole it out lovingly. If a loved one has done something to offend you, forgive them and let it go, especially if the offense wasn't intended.

When The Chariot arrives, it's time to take matters into your own hands when it comes to your choice of career. Should that mean cutting loose from "the corporate world" and suddenly striking out on your own - to become your own boss, that is - well, if it feels right, then by all means, do it. Just be sure you have sufficient backing, and don't burn any bridges you may need to cross back over.

This month, thanks to the benevolent nature of The Empress, you'll be feeling creative, imaginative, and inspired. Let it all flow from you, and your spirit will be as happy and healthy as your body and your mind. If you do happen to be feeling a bit under the weather emotionally, think about what you're about to "give birth" to, and remember that all creations come about through contractions.

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