Monday, January 7, 2013

February 2013 Horoscope

February 2013 Horoscope
Monthly Horoscope February:

January: Aquarius January 20 - February 18

This month, people can say and do to you whatever they like. You are the embodiment of indulgence and nothing will upset you. The alliance of the Pope and the Star make you into someone who is forgiving, kind and generous, and thanks to your flexibility you adapt yourself easily to all situations and to all kinds of people. This makes you a very easy person to be with, though perhaps a little passive. At work, you’ll have a pretty peaceful month. Under the combined influence of the Pope and the Hermit, everything is going smoothly, perhaps progressing at a slow pace, but nonetheless effectively. Though you're not in warrior mode, or even particularly outgoing, those around you are largely tolerant of your mood. Your colleagues accept that you’re distant and prefer to work alone. You can safely hide away for now – and talk more tomorrow...

February: Pisces February 19 - March 19

In affairs of the heart, you'll feel the need to break with a certain aspect of your past this month. Death is urging you to rid yourself of certain restraints that are being imposed upon you by a partner or friend, or to lower your ambitions concerning an established relationship. Luckily, the Empress is smiling on you and encouraging you to act with intelligence and kindness and avoid breaking things off too suddenly or brutally. The rather negative alliance of the Tower and Death is heralding difficulties in your professional life. This could mean the termination of a contract, the end of an assignment, and a far from certain future. You'll be putting the finishing touches to a project without knowing what's coming next, and this is making you feel extremely stressed-out. Hang on in there!

March: Aries March 20 - April 20

Carried along by the Chariot and the Fool, you ride through the month at top speed, incapable of stopping for any obstacle on the path ahead. Thus you're prone to impulsive dealings with others, rash declarations of your feelings and falling headfirst for people who may not return your passion… Don’t go too fast, or you may spin out of control! At work, swift action and determination are the order of the month for you. Carried along by the Chariot and the Wheel of Fortune, you give free rein to your desire to shake things up in all areas of your working life. You suggest new ways of working and new projects, and manage to convince your co-workers that your ideas are founded on good sense. Everyone moves forward today, and best of all, they move towards a goal you approve of.

April: Taurus April 21 - May 21

Fickleness is the keyword this month: You really don’t know whose fiddle to dance to! One moment you’re saying Yes, only to change your mind and say No five minutes later … and you’re making half-hearted promises to everyone. The Fool and Temperance point to the fact that your primary goal is to keep your independence – in love as much as in friendship – without taking into account what your loved ones actually want. That’s a game that could turn against you. Your professional life doesn’t seem to develop along very secure lines this month. The Fool, which governs this aspect this month, causes the people around you to be rather discouraging and pessimistic. No wonder therefore that you get the feeling of being abandoned and left to your own devices. Everyone seems to want to run away from their responsibilities. Just as well that Justice, which is the card that represents you here, imbibes you with a positive spirit and a good practical sense – both of which are excellent weapons against the general trend. A lucky escape!

May: Gemini May 22 - June 21

In terms of your personal life, you need time alone this month. The Hermit and the Hanged Man between them create a heavy atmosphere, but you could turn it to your advantage if you’re prepared to put yourself under scrutiny. You can’t escape the looking-glass: you might not like the reflection you see, but you need to take a good look in order to understand the faults you must correct and so improve your relationships with the people you love... In your work environment, the Hermit could cause some delays or a few misunderstandings during the course of the day. It is not that you lack good will and commitment, but there might be some obstacles that will force you to reconsider your working methods or your ways of dealing with people. Maybe it is not sensible to be driven by deadlines all the time!

June: Cancer June 22 - July 22

Cultivate the art of diplomacy and kindness towards your loved ones this month. Just in case, remember that the alliance of Death with the Tower indicates a sudden brutal separation following some uncontrolled verbal violence. In other words, to avoid the risk of this happening, you'd be well advised to act gentle, understanding and funny. It won't be easy, but you don't really have a choice! At work, there’s an organizational change or strategic adjustment on the cards that doesn’t work in your favor. The World, in conjunction with Death, seems to predict that this change in your working conditions will come out of the blue and may take you by surprise. It’s up to you to decide whether you want to stay where you are or take your chances elsewhere.

July: Leo: July 23 - August 23

Confusion reigns in your love life. Faced with the storm that threatens to engulf you, you're dreaming of turning on your heels and running far away from your familiar surroundings to a place where nobody knows you and nobody hassles you. The alliance of the Fool and the Tower indicates an irrepressible desire for freedom. Go on, run for it! In your professional ambiance, the Fool might fray your nerves all day long. It's just as well that Strength prevents you from plunging into chaos and instability. You are only too aware of the unimportance of certain people that happen to work with you, but manage to bring to bear your common sense to keep them from causing too much of a nuisance. Congratulations!

August: Virgo August 24 - September 23

This month you can’t bear the thought of being trapped in a stifling emotional situation. You need to come up for air: to spend time alone to reflect and take stock of your feelings. The responsibilities of married life seem oppressive and you long to spend a few days by yourself, away from your daily routine. But a change of scene does nothing to improve your mood. What a grouch!  At work, you're certainly not lacking in intelligence and efficiency. However, the instability of the Fool may have a negative impact on the liveliness that's coming to you from the Empress. You could end up acting erratically and being very disorganized, although the general atmosphere is still positive and optimistic. Try and hold things together, otherwise you're likely to finish the day feeling completely exhausted!

September: Libra September 24 - October 23

You’re in an uncertain and perhaps somewhat distracted mood this month, and can’t understand the extreme coldness of those around you. While you want to amuse yourself, to get out and about, your loved ones seem rather stern and rigid this month. Under the command of the High Priestess, your emotional surroundings are stuck fast: nothing changes or moves forward. It’s a shame others can’t take advantage of your dynamic frame of mind… In your work environment, you’re finding it somewhat difficult to push your ideas through. For one reason or another the atmosphere is not quite right, nobody seems to want to listen, and you notice a lack of team spirit. Everyone seems to be working in isolation at the moment rather than for a common goal, and you are finding little satisfaction in this way of working. Try to be philosophical and patient… The combination of Death and the High Priestess indicates that this situation will soon resolve itself.

October: Scorpio October 24 - November 22

Cheer up. This month, the Wheel of Fortune and Death will enable you to meet some interesting new people, who will quickly make you forget your little misfortunes, or even some big disaster that you have not so far been able to put completely from your mind. But you will see that from this month, your romantic life is off to a new start. Spend enough time in front of your wardrobe, deciding on a cool outfit for tonight. You’ll really surprise yourself today, by being serious and crazy all at once! Your professional life is getting a boost from the Devil, in association with the Wheel of Fortune. Luck is on your side, presenting you with several opportunities to move forward faster than you'd imagined, or at least to expand your room for maneuver. You're holding the right cards, so don't hesitate to take on new responsibilities or accept an unexpected offer. You're on the road to success!

November: Sagittarius November 23 - December 21

This month, you will certainly not be timid when it comes to romance and affairs of the heart! The Magician and the Empress are encouraging you to approach others with charm and spontaneity. If you are in a committed relationship, you will be articulating your feelings for each other openly. If you are single, this would be a good month to relax somewhat and let your defenses down. On the work front, you’ve got no shortage of winning cards to convince your colleagues about your ideas or schemes. The energy and authoritative air granted to you by the Emperor and Empress allow you to overcome obstacles with ease that you wouldn’t necessarily have been able to deal with on an average day. Your steadfastness, combined with tact, can work miracles – well done!

December: Capricorn December 22 - January 19

It looks like a fine month on the emotional plane. The influence of the Empress and the Pope is giving you a special talent for listening, which is drawing those you love towards you, and in particular the person who makes your heart beat faster. Your relationships are under the sign of happiness and spontaneity this month, so make the most of it! On the work front, it looks like you’re on the point of signing a contract or finalizing an agreement this month. Judgment and the Pope match each other in wisdom; they’re watching your back and helping you bring things to a conclusion that suits you. If something unexpected happens, you’ll be able to pick out the crucial arguments to reassure your colleagues and convince them to accept the proposal you put forward.

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