Tuesday, May 29, 2012

August 2012 Horoscope

January: Aquarius January 20 - February 18

In August it’s possible that the time has come to let go of an outdated attitude, situation, or friendship. Think things through first, of course, but be aware that a sensible sacrifice made now of something that no longer works for you will open up your life to something even more positive than what you “let go of.” In reversal, this card particularly encourages you to not fight change. In the context of love you may need to “let go” of a vision of a particular kind of relationship or a relationship with a certain person as being “the only way that you can be happy.” If you’re in a long-term relationship, it too may well be at a crossroads. There’s no need to freak out if the latter is the case, just take some time to think about some subtle cues which you may have been getting. Don’t ignore them. You may be unsure about what to do with regard to your financial situation. One of the most important things to realize now is that you are NOT alone and you don’t have to try to do everything on your own. Don’t hesitate to reach out for help if you need it. If things are tight financially, (yet you still have some resources remaining) this is an important time to “open up the flow” of prosperity by giving away some of what you have, even if all you have is a piece of bread. If that’s the case, know that there is someone nearby who would probably give their right arm to share that piece of bread with you. Find them, and share it. Something as simple as this may start the wheels turning to bring your “prosperity” into better times. We are all in this life together.

February: Pisces February 19 - March 19

The more accepting you can be of change of all sorts during this time, and the less you try to "control" the better and the more comfortable this time will be for you. Often what you need to "let go of" is some sort of self-limiting belief or attitude. Sometimes we just can't see how our attitudes are hurting us, and when that is true, this time period can be a wake-up call. The energy of this time is not just change or destruction; it is change or destruction followed by renewal. Even though one door may have closed, another is opening. Will you have the courage to step through? If you are clinging to a relationship that you are deeply unhappy in because you don't want to let go of the familiar, or because you hate to be alone, you are doing neither yourself nor your partner any favors. Have a frank and honest discussion about the problem(s) you have with the relationship, and if they can't or won't make a change or you can't or won't, then perhaps it's time to let it go. If you can be brave and take the chance of leaving the security of this relationship, you can find one that works much better. But first, you have to face the problem, and try to fix it. Not all relationships are fixable. Don't beat your head against a wall for very long. You'll know when it's "long enough." You may have to make some sacrifices to deal with coming financial challenges. You can do it. Don't hesitate to reach out for help if you need it. You don't have to struggle or suffer alone, nor should it come to that, although there is a possibility that you'll be dealing with an involuntary loss of income as your job may be cut back, your stocks may lose money etc. Don't avoid reality, if this comes about. Figure out exactly what you are dealing with, face the situation, then do what you must to get through it. Ultimately you will profit greatly from what you have learned. You'll be fine in the long run.

March: Aries March 20 - April 20

This month can mean that you will move quickly through the fear-based clinging they have been exhibiting and suddenly learn to be more open, more generous, and more aware that fear solves nothing. Making a point to think positively will help. This month is about fear, when it comes to love. However, the reversal can mean that you are about to let go of the fear, and finally open yourself up in a way that is real, and which will give your relationship a fighting chance. If you are looking for love it is telling you to not let fear of rejection hold you back. Reach out, mingle, get to know people. You have to be open for love to come to you, and being full of fear is not helpful. This month can show that you are finally getting beyond your worries about money, because you will have realized that your worry isn't helping you. You can make a difference in your financial situation, if you let go of your fear and get moving.

April: Taurus April 21 - May 21

This month will bring some unwelcome news that may be coming soon. This is not usually anything horrendous or dire, just something that you would rather not have happened. More often it indicates a need for focus and decisiveness. In a love context, the focus may be on getting to know each other better, trading stories, etc, rather than on an immediate, serious commitment. You are well advised not to push if you are currently seeing someone but are not yet committed - the time may not yet be right. If you are looking for love, someone may warn you away from a new interest; make up your own mind. Gossip and "warnings" aren't always true - but usually shouldn't be completely ignored, either. Money is very likely to be headed for an upswing when the Page of Wands appears. Someone with financial expertise could come into your life and give you excellent advice. You could also get excellent financial news that you weren't expecting. When the abundance comes, consider what you can do to share a little of it, if only to keep the "wheel of prosperity" turning.

May: Gemini May 22 - June 21

August indicates that you have been too successful and would be well-served by scaling back. You are probably tired; you've been working very hard, personally and professionally, and could use a break. Give yourself one. This month signifies a hard place in a relationship. It can be that your beloved is undergoing a rough time that has nothing to do with your relationship but needs your support. Most often, however, it indicates that there is something in the relationship which needs to be examined, looked at, and considered. You will not gain by pretending that there are no problems. If you're in the market for love, do not despair. Your time will eventually come, but perhaps now is a good time to halt your search and just take some time for rest and reflection. You are probably feeling over-burdened and stressed about money when this card appears in the context of a financial question. You will be best served by looking at your situation calmly and dispassionately, and making a plan. A wise man said "expect the best, but plan for the worst." You can do both things now. Avoiding the problems will not make them disappear. Be creative in your problem-solving and don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it.

June: Cancer June 22 - July 22
August has an excellent energy to support you when you have somewhat tedious work to get accomplished. This month can give you focus, backbone, and the wherewithal to stick with a task that is not necessarily glamorous or fun. Don't try to sidestep effort, or you will fall on your face. If you're in a committed relationship, it may have lost some of its luster. That doesn't have to mean a death knell, but it does mean that action and discussion is necessary. To create change, you must be honest about how you are feeling. If you are unattached, and can't seem to meet someone new, look carefully at what you're holding in your heart. You may still be attached to an ex, and may need to let go before you can expect to move forward. With regard to finances, this month points to rewards for good, old-fashioned hard work. This is not a time to gamble or to be unrealistic. This is a time to put an honest appraisal on the value of your skills and efforts. If you aren't being fairly compensated, now might be the time to make a change. Invest, don't spend. Choose traditional, safe investments for now.

July: Leo: July 23 - August 23
This month the first and best step is often to take a deep breath and calm down. Don't let the things you are worried about overwhelm you. Take it one day at a time, one hour at a time, if you must. At least some of your worries will very likely turn out to be imaginary. Get very specific on what you are afraid of and pick it apart. What is the true likelihood of the worry actually happening? Comfort yourself, and if you need help, don't hesitate to ask for it. Asking for help is the mark of a strong person. In the context of love, it's important to remember that no relationship, and nothing on earth, in fact, can stand up to constant dissection. Try to give your beloved some breathing space. If you are uncommitted, and longing for love, understand that the time may simply not yet be right for you. Are there things about yourself that you would like to change? This is a good time to get yourself whole emotionally, so that when you are ready for a new relationship, that the person that you attract into your life is also whole. Don't be in too much of a hurry. terms of finances, worrying will not "keep the wolves from the door." Try to stay calm and methodically pick through your situation and potential courses of action. Take small steps. Look at ways that you might increase your income, even if it's only a little.

August: Virgo August 24 - September 23

This month an older man, likely to be dark-haired, may be rubbing you the wrong way now. Try to look beyond his exterior and consider what it is that he may have to offer you that can be of use. Don’t get too irritated if he is trying to tell you what you “should” do; take the parts of his advice which are useful and ignore the rest. Organization or lack thereof can become an issue. If you consider yourself to be an orderly, methodical person, you may have fallen for someone who is not (or that could be about to happen.) Consider where or how compromises can be made. If you don’t the relationship has next to no chance of working. If you struggle with finances and you have drawn the Emperor reversed, you may well need to seek outside assistance. Look for someone who is good at logic, order, and being methodical in terms of setting up budgets, dealing with taxes and cash flow, and so on. You cannot afford to take a haphazard approach when this card appears in this context.

September: Libra September 24 - October 23

This month shows that things are likely to be going well. However be careful that you are not causing problems in your platonic friendships by over attention to your love life. In general you will need to make sure you aren't paying too much attention to love to the exclusion of all else. If there are problems in a relationship, it may be time to forgive and forget over past problems. Start fresh. This month generally indicates balance and fairness with regard to money. If money is a problem for you, look at the state of your relationships with people that you work with. Is there something that you can do to improve your working relationships? This will very likely improve your money flow, also.

October: Scorpio October 24 - November 22
This month can indicate that someone you care about may be away for a while. Don't get too possessive if that's the case. Assume that they will be coming back to you. The 5 can indicate conflicts, both external and internal. Don't escalate conflicts unnecessarily. Think before you act. Unfortunately in the context of love, conflict is a near surety. Things may not work out as you would hope with a love relationship. Think calmly and carefully about what your deal-breakers are in a relationship. Be honest with yourself first, and then be honest with your beloved. Accept reality. There is a need for caution and restraint in relation to money. Draw on your ingenuity when necessary, when it comes to money. Are there things you don't need that you can sell? Can you cut expenses any further? Above all, don't give up. Don't be too proud to ask for help if you need it. Help is always available.

November: Sagittarius November 23 - December 21

Although you may be feeling somewhat listless and rather unexcited about what is going on in your life, it's important to realize that the only person that can change that is you. Learn something new. Open yourself up to change, but don't throw the proverbial baby out with the bathwater. This month can show that you're feeling more than a little bored with your love life. The major way to handle this is through communication if you are in a committed relationship. Most people are not mind-readers; ask for what you want and need, and you may well get it. If you are looking for love, this is not the time to "settle down." It's far better to let any prospective partners to know, up front, in so many words, that you are looking for a good time right now, and is in an exploration mode. Allow yourself to have fun, but be honest with yourself and others. Nobody but you can make your life "exciting." If you work hard, and accomplish what you need to accomplish, your financial situation should be stable, at least. Do the best you can with what you have. This is not the time to gamble--at all.

December: Capricorn December 22 - January 19
This month is a definite good omen. You are probably already inclined to be thinking positively; this is a time to do so specifically. What are the changes that you would like to make or see in your life? Make a list. You can accomplish nearly anything that you set out to do now. Think big. This is an excellent time to meet someone new if you are in the market for a new relationship. If you're ready for love, get out and mingle. A new relationship could happen at any time. If you're already committed, your relationship may move to new, higher, more fulfilling levels. Again, this is a very powerful positive omen. You will do better financially than you imagined. This is a great time to take risks (only those you can afford,) to ask for more money at your job, and to sell things.  You'll have everything that you need, more than likely, and then some. Enjoy it.

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